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48 products in collection

Red Bell Pepper
Harvest 2015 | In stock | kgRed pepper is rich source of antioxidants and vitamin C. The level of carotene, like lycopene, is nine times higher particularly in Red peppers in comparison to other variaties of pepper. Red peppers have twice the vitamin C content of green peppers. Nourishing this fine pepper cultivar,...

Red European Plums
Harvest 2015 | In stock | UnitEuropean plum is an ancient domesticated species, known only in cultivation, now cultivated in temperate areas worldwide and our farm is not an exception. This particular plum cultivar differs from others with globose and large enough form. They are...

Red Kabocha Squash
In stock | kgKabocha has an exceptional naturally sweet flavor, even sweeter in taste than butternut squash. It is similar in texture and flavor to a pumpkin and a sweet potato combined. Some kabocha can taste like Russet potatoes. The rind of...

Red Mixed Spice
Harvest 2014 | In stock | gConstituents of this mixture prove the name of it. Red Mixed Spice is full of flavored ingredients such as dried tomatoes and pepper, paprika, carrot, onion, garlic, mustard, ginger, and sea salt. We designed it specially for dishes of rice...

Red Onions
Harvest 2014 | In stock | kgRed onions are probably the best option to use in your salads or to be eaten raw because of its light sweeter taste and particular aroma. This particular onion cultivar is very high in flavonoids which are very useful for the...

Harvest 2015 | In stock | BunchCalorie for calorie, leafy green vegetables like spinach with its delicate texture and jade green color provide more nutrients than any other food. Although spinach is available throughout the year, its season runs from March through May and from...

Stanley Plums
Harvest 2015 | In stock | kgDescription text how product was grown and reserved. All nutrition features that interest user goes here as well. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.

Sweet Grapes
In stock | kgThompson seedless grapes are one of the world's most popular eating grapes. It has a perfect refreshing sweet taste. What's the best of it that they can be a dessert itself or used in some sort of fruit salad...

Thompson Seedless Grapes
Harvest 2015 | In stock | kgThompson seedless grapes are one of the world's most popular eating grapes. It has a perfect refreshing sweet taste. What's the best of it that they can be a dessert itself or used in some sort of fruit salad...

Veg Mixed Spice
Harvest 2014 | In stock | gVegetables can be useful in any state fresh, boiled, grilled and even dried. This is a mixture of our favorite and so native vegetables wrapped up into the mix of flavors. Veg Mixed Spice contains dried carrots, onion, leek,...